

The wind blew on the house as 18-year-old Caroline looked at her Tinder account. So far, none of the people were who she was looking for. She was looking for a sweet, nice, and smart boy, just like her. She came across one and she read about him.

“Hi! I’m James. I’m kind of a nerd and love math and science. I am 19 years old and looking for someone who loves me and is willing to do my favorite pastimes, including reading, science experiments and Calculus with me.”

This was what Caroline was looking for! He was so sweet and kind she just had to swipe right for him. She sent a message to him.

Hi My name is Caroline

Hi Caroline I’m James. Wanna get froyo at red mango at 3?

She was so excited and responded right away.

Caroline looked at the clock. It was 1:30.

Yeah of course! I’ll see you there!

She put her phone down and raced to her bedroom. She showered, put on her favorite ripped jeans and crop top then went to the bathroom to dry her hair and do her makeup. She grabbed her purse and looked at herself in the mirror.

“Amazing.” She mumbled to herself. Then she took off out the door.

When she got to Red Mango it was 2:55.

“I’m early.” She thought. “I’ll just go in and wait.” She went inside, sat down and waited. Moments later a curly brown-haired boy walked in. He immediately spotted her, smiled and walked over.

“Sorry if I kept you waiting.” He said with a smile. “I’m never really on time.”

His voice was smooth like cream and his blue eyes twinkled when he smiled. His chocolate-brown hair looked silky and his skin had a light tan.

“No, No problem at all. I just came in a couple of minutes ago.” Caroline said with a little grin.

“Good. Well, shall we get some froyo?”

“Um yeah!” Caroline exclaimed snapping out of her lovestruck daze. “Do you want to take it to go?”


He was so sweet! Caroline hadn’t ever felt this way. After talking forever, they went their separate ways. After their first date, they had dozens and dozens after. One day, Caroline finally broke.

“I think I love you.” She said as they were watching a movie at his house.

“I really like you Caroline. But I don’t love you. Not yet.”

Caroline understood but sat up.

“When will you love me?” She asked.

“Maybe tomorrow.” He replied.

Caroline nodded. When they finished, he offered to walk her home but she politely refused, saying she needed to stop at a store. He shrugged and kissed her on the cheek. She waved goodbye and stepped out into the fog. James watched as she faded from view.

Caroline couldn’t help thinking about tomorrow.

“Tomorrow. Will he love me?”

“Tomorrow. Will he leave me?”

“Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.”

Soon enough, tomorrow became today. Caroline woke up and immediately thought “Tomorrow. Today is tomorrow.” She got dressed and went to run out her front door but when she opened it, she found James standing there.

“Do you love me?” She asked.

“Not yet.” He said. “Maybe tomorrow. But everyday, I will give you a flower. Keep the flowers in a vase and by then at the end of the week, if you have 7 flowers that are still alive, bring them to me and I will tell you that I love you. If you have 14 living flowers and the end of two weeks, I will know I love you. If you have 21 living flowers at the end of three weeks, I will marry you. But, if you don’t bring the seven on the eighth day, then I need 14. If you don’t bring the 14 on the 15th day, I expect 21. If I don’t get the 21 by the 22nd day, none of these things will happen. If I get none, or a batch of 7, 14 or 21 with even one dead, I will leave forever.”

“O-Okay.” She said. James smiled and walked away. The last words he said rang in Caroline’s head. I will leave forever. Why? She wanted to marry him. She loved him more than she had loved anyone else. Everyday, as promised, she got one flower. A week passed, 7 flowers. Two weeks, 14. None had died to her astonishment. Three weeks, 21 flowers. She picked them up out of the vase and headed over to James’s house. She was so happy. She had kept them alive and was going to marry her true love. When she got to James’s house the door was unlocked so she went in. She set the flowers down in the kitchen and called for James. She turned around and saw a gun pointed at her face. She saw James and a shot rand out as he said,

“1 more flower and I’ll love you tomorrow.”


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