Noose Snake

Ya know, I’ve always been one for skepticism. Maybe my lack of understanding certain thing’s is to blame. I’d always known about that creature, but I just assumed it was yet another tall tale told by the bored inhabitants of my small hometown. That is, until I met it.

It all happened very suddenly. My friends death was ruled as suicide by hanging, but I knew better. Something else had to be at play. A few items were recovered from his room. One of them was a photo which seemed to stand out.

The photo in question seemed to have been taken quite hastily and depicted what looked like some kind of snake-like creature oozing it’s way out of his wall. The detectives that found it shrugged it off, assuming it to be a fake created by my friend. However, when I looked at it, I got a very strange feeling from it. It almost seemed as if a great weight which had been carried by someone else was now being passed on to me. It was an eerie sensation, the kind you can’t just shake off.

In the coming days, I got less and less sleep as the creeping sensation began to grow and consume me. It consumed me to the point that it made me begin research on the snake-like cryptid that my town had aptly named noose snake. The similarities between my friend’s death and the legend that is noose snake were striking. The legend goes that noose snake creeps into the rooms of unsuspecting citizens without even making a single sound. Then, the person would wake to see a giant gaping black hole in their ceiling, which I am assuming to be a portal.

At which point the body of the huge snake creature would then begin to materialize. It is said that during all of this, the portal emmits some kind of nerve agent, causing the victim in question to become paralyzed. The snake would then slither down from the ceiling, dropping a black ink like substance as it moved. The creature then wraps its body around the victims neck whilst they are still conscious, and, much like the boa constrictor, begins to squeeze the ever-loving life out of them.

After it is done killing them, it will then retreat back into its portal, dragging their body inside and leaving an exact copy of the person in questions’ body behind to be discovered. The bodies it leaves behind are usually made to look like the person hanged themself. After viewing the photo and conducting my research, I began to feel uneasy when sleeping in my own room, almost as if something was staring at me from the corner. It got so bad that one night I swore I saw black goop dripping from the ceiling, but, low and behold, It wasn’t actually there. Needless to say, that night I slept on the couch.

I would’ve considered this to be a form of refuge were it not for one thing, the black goop seemed to drip from the ceiling no matter which room I slept in and it always came from the corner. It was as if this black substance knew where I was at any given time and acted accordingly. This thing that seemed to be following me on my ceiling was beginning to terrify me. It even impeded my research as I slowly came to the realisation that this was no mere urban legend and I was most likely in for a bumpy ride in the coming days.


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