Looking Out the Window

Hi my name is Aether and welcome to this story, this story has been taken from real life events from submissions by people and their experiences, these stories have been adapted with included detail, with that said let’s dive in to Looking Out the Window…

Chapter 1:

Looking out the window, what will you see? Cars, people, children playing in the daylight but at night things change, perceptions change. At night things are calm and quiet and still. Shrouded by a sheet of black that lays upon the silent world. I lay asleep in my bed calm and contempt when I am brought awake by a soft tap against the window, this wakes me and I slowly look towards the window, the hairs in my arm and neck upright, my body cold. In my sleepy haze I look towards the window, but nothing greets my vision, confused but relieved I close my eyes and head back to my sleepy contempt. It is not too much longer until I hear the sound again, louder, as if someone taps the window with aggression and again I wake to the sound. Irritated and I look towards the window but alas nothing.

Chapter 2:

I stand from my warm bed and head towards the window to peer outside, I reach the window and look down towards my fresh green lawn that stretches out in front of my house now darkened due to the night, a figured stood next to the tree that covered the grass and shaded my vision from the glowing moon, it too was shaded making it hard to see detail but I could recognise a slim tall figure looking up at me. Its face was shrouded but I could tell his head was tilted towards my window… Footsteps sounded behind me but my vision remained fixed on it. To my surprise my bedroom door began to creep open, the sound shook me to the bone, I attempted to turn but I couldn’t move. I was fixed in place my eyes mesmerised by the figure. The footsteps grew ever closer and louder behind me, a deep, guttural breathing was produced whilst the thing walked ever closer behind me but no matter how much I attempted to move I couldn’t as my eyes could not betray the figure standing still below me…

Chapter 3:

My body grew colder, the hairs on my neck and arms grew ever straighter and the fear in me grew deeper. Butterfly’s began to invade my stomach and tears formed in the corners of my eyes threatening to spill. I felt horrible. Frozen still looking at the figure outside I feel hands wrap around my neck and shoulders and the feeling of legs wrapping around my waist almost like something was trying to climb and cling onto my back, a weight pulls me back but still I stand frozen. I nearly fainted, the thing on my back began to talk, whispering into my ear, I shall not recite what it said as the words give it power but at this moment I was able to move my head down to see the arms that wrap around my neck. They were bony, long and pale as milk the fear grew ever deeper into my brain and with its last word whispered into my ear I black out.

Chapter 4:

I wake to find a piercing bright light penetrate through my weary eyes, as they adjust I realise that I’m not in my bedroom any longer but in what appears to be a hospital bedroom. I say aloud, “Where am I…?” My brother whom sat beside me bashfully said “Sister! You’re awake! You’re in hospital, do you remember what happened?” I responded that I didn’t, his reply then chilled me like the night before. “You was running down our neighborhoods road, shouting some things such as that God is the monster and that the you have been graced by the devil’s wisdom… We found you and as we tried to take you home you flipped out, the neighbors called the police and eventually rushed you to the nearest hospital… You was manic…” I laid stunned not remembering a thing that happened last night apart from the terrible weight and horrible bony hands that wrapped around me… But mainly the figure that loomed outside our house, that tall slender figure… It was at that moment that I attempted to sit up to feel a terrible weight on my back, as if something was clinging onto it…

The story ended here, the sender was unknown except that the story given was from the victim’s brother and the story she had told him of that night, his sister is now locked into an institution to treat her for possible mental health issues, the brother, however, does not believe that she is mentally ill but that something has haunted her so… He wanted everyone to take care when looking out your window at night as you never know what might look back…


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