Go Away!


“There’s no such thing as ghosts. They are only made up stories to intimidate people and arouse curiosity,” these were the words of Emily Higgins, a 16 year old girl, whose aim was to refute supernatural existence in every possible way. But she was forced to think otherwise after the incidents of November 4th, 2001.

A week before, there was news about the mysterious death of a 5 year old girl, Anna, who lived across the street from Emily. Stories of ghastly encounters and uncanny experiences were hanging in the air and Emily sought to disprove them all. Emily loved Anna like no one else and her death caused more pain to Emily than anyone else.

The night of November 4 was the turning point in Emily’s life. As she sat on the porch looking for some evidence she heard a loud bang from her room and the power suddenly shut down. She was all alone at home but she was never afraid. She picked up a candle nearby and walked to the living room. “Who’s there?” she shouted. It was completely quiet, ’till she began to hear a distant moaning. The cool wind blowing in from the balcony made things worse. For the first time, a chill ran down Emily’s spine when she thought she saw a shadow of a girl.

She was certain someone was playing with her. Many people had tried to make Emily believe in ghosts by narrating stories and even dramatising incidents. However, in the end, she always got the better of them. But this time, it seemed a bit too real. She pulled herself together and followed the shadow to her room. What she saw there was inconceivable. Emily saw Anna wearing the same blue frock as when she died, standing in her balcony. Tears rolled down Emily’s eyes as she ran to embrace Anna. But just as she entered the balcony, Anna let out a ghastly bellow and in the spur of the moment, jumped off the balcony. Emily shrieked, ran to the wall and looked down, but she found no body. As she retreated from the wall, there she saw the dreaded words written in blood:



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