The Faceless Captives

DISCLAIMER: This story is not aimed to harm the feelings of people that might feel offended, please do not read if you are sensitive to the World War 2 NAZI actions that happened in concentration camps! In this story several action the NAZI officers might have done in that time are written in a bit of details. You have been warned!

In the December winter of 1943, south of Germany, messages came from a high ranked german officer stating some perculiar sightings. This is how everything started. This story is based on a diary and letters from the Waffen SS headquarters.

December 3rd 1943,
Herr Kögel, the officer in command at a concentration camp in the south of Germany, was about to go with retirement. Replacement was on it’s way. The prisoners became really unhappy, because the treatment given by Herr Kögel was pretty decent for a NAZI officer. Where in other camps the captives were only given 1 slice of bread and 1 cup of water, Herr Kögel gave them double the rations.

January 17th 1944,
Herr Kögel’s replacement had arrived at the front gates. Herr Leutswig, a high standing SS officer seemed to be the replacement. He came to know what Herr Kögel was doing, and forced the old officer to wether be shot, or work as one of the patrol guards during the night. In pure desperation Herr Kögel choose the night shift.

January 20th 1944,
Herr Kögel had to go on his first night shift. He left, according to the retreived information, at 22:47 PM. The patrol had an estimated patrol time of 1 hour and 30 minutes, but Herr Kögel returned after 2 hours. “Sie sind hier!” (They’re here) he shouted. “Die verdammte schweinen!” (Those damn pigs). Herr Leutswig laughed at the old officer in command Herr Kögel. “Wo sind Sie dann? Ich sag den nicht!” (Where are they, I don’t see them!) he said. Herr Kögel challanged the officer to go himself and became violent by voice, insulting the SS officers. Herr Leutswig pointed his gun at Herr Kögel and pulled the trigger on point blank range. He told the other soldiers that once were under the command of Herr Kögel that this is what would happen if they do the exact same thing.

January 27th 1944,
Herr Leutswig said he would walk the patrol route once, since he wanted some fresh air. It was very cold outside and snowing. The officer was walking the same route Herr Kögel walked one week ago. As he walked along the barracks, he stumbled upon wat looked like a captive that was not where he was supposed to be. He took his gun and halted the activity of the dwelling captive. Herr Leutswig ordered the captive to turn around, so that he could see who he would kill, but the order got disobeyed. Herr Leutswig walked up to the captive and grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. A cold chill ran down his spine as he saw no face on the body. The only thing he saw were outlines of what looked like eyebrows. The officer got scared and ran back to the main building. He slammed the door open and walked right towards his desk. He took a piece of paper and started writing a letter to the Gestapo. In his letter he wrote the following (translated from German): “I need an investigator. I have seen something you will not believe if I tell you, but will believe when you see it. As I was walking a patrol route set up by me, I came across a faceless prisoner. Based on my words you might not trust this letter, but I beg you to send an investigator or an officer that could see this with his own eyes.” He posted the letter with a very important mark on it.

February 15th 1944,
Herr Leutswig got a reply to his letter. It said (again translated from German): “The joke is good, we laughed at it quite hard, but it’s against the rules to put an important mark at a letter which is not serious at all. We will not send anyone to help you with your ‘problem’. Good luck!” Herr Leutswig became furious and wanted to prove it.

February 16th 1944,
The night shift patrol was once again walked by Herr Leutswig, this time accompanied by one of Herr Kögel’s trusted officers. He believed that, considering Herr Kögel said “they” were coming, he meant the faceless. The officer confirmed to ever have heared about this story. He said Herr Kögel had once been in contact with one of the so called “Gezichtslosen” (faceless). As they walked the patrol route they didn’t find anything weird. In fact, everything was normal.

February ?? 1944, (date unclear at the diary post)
The commanding officer became desperate to find evidence of the faceless. He once again walked the patrol route all by himself. As he walked the patrol route, when he was close to the end, he found a dead body of a german officer. As he ran towards the body he could see the body was missing several chunks of his muscles and the lower arm was also missing. As he wanted to run back inside to get help, he was unable to move. Behind him, a cold, freezing hand grabbed his arm. He could see the hand being as pale as a dead body as he wanted to turn around. Once he could look behind him, he couldn’t see anything. He turned back around, and in front of him was standing the officer that first was laying on the floor. When Herr Leutswig could see everything clearly, he noticed that the officer did not have a face either. Herr Leutswig started to look around him trying to find one of his SS troops, he found that there were 2 looking for him. He called for help, but in his attempt to shout he couldn’t make any noise. As he looked back to where the faceless officer was standing, he saw again the body on the ground. He looked back to where the officers were looking for him, they appeared to already have noticed Herr Leutswig.

February 28th 1944, a report by an SS officer Hans, written in Russian.
“A patrol was walked during the night together with Herr Leutswig. As we were walking we came upon a group of captives. 2 of them were dead, the others were standing around them. They were all looking at the fence, not moving. As we ordered them to turn around and asked them what they were doing, we got no response. Herr Leutswig said to us that this is the same thing that happened when he first encountered a Gesichtslose (faceless). Herr Leutswig immediately pointed his pistol at one of the prisoners and fired. Nothing happened, it looked like he missed, but when I looked down I saw a pool of blood at the feet of the prisoner. They all turned around, all facing Herr Leutswig. After 2 minutes of pure silence, the sprinted towards Herr Leutswig and floored him. We tried to save him but we were not able to, as some of those started sprinting towards us. ‘GET THE FLAMETHROWER’ I shouted towards the guards. They responded and came out with 2 flamethrowers. As the officers ran past the flamethrowers the flame started spitting out of the flamethrower barrels. Flaming bodies fell to the ground with a high-pitched scream I can only describe as a sound we all became deaf of, for a short period of time. When the fire stopped, we wanted to clear the bodies but there appeared to no remainders. We also started a patrol to look for Herr Leutswig. After we all looked for an hour the body has been found. We all looked at it, and he appeared to be alive… but… he had no face… He was trying to tell us something, but we were not able to understand what he was trying to say. We gave him a pen and a piece of paper. As he was writing what he wanted to say, the captives started to surround us. None of them had a face. When Herr Leutswig, or whatever looked like him, was done writing, he spelled “Wilkommen im Hell!”. We there was silence, dead silence. The faceless started to come closer, slowly. All of a sudden there was machinegun fire, and most of us got shot. I surrendered, not knowing what was going on. It appeared to be a group of highly skilled Russian troops, they captured the remaining men, including me. As they were taking us out, the faceless were all watching us as we got taken away from the place.”

March 19th 1972

Investigators had found the letters written above and went to the place that the demonic legend seemed to take place. Despite the disappearence of the concentration camp (destroyed by russian forces) there still seemed to be a weird feeling to the place. Locals said there were pale, slender people walking at the grounds of the concentration camp. Some of them say it’s the souls of those who didn’t survive, others say it’s the fog. Investigators were unable to find any sign of human bodies walking around, altho they claim to have seen one. The officer without the lower arm, who was still patroling the grounds. They were not able to get closer to the officer. According to the report they were not able to because when they got closer, a high pitched deafening noise started to appear. As they took their distance again, the noise went away, together with the officer.

The mystery is still not solved…